Cash for Clunkers Made It More Difficult to Find Recycled Auto Parts in Pasadena TX

by | Feb 15, 2018 | Auto Parts Dealer

The 2009 Car Allowance Rebate System, commonly called Cash for Clunkers, had some troubling effects for people wanting to buy good used cars and used automotive parts. Recycled Auto Parts in Pasadena TX became significantly more difficult to find after that federal bill was passed because it required that gas-guzzling vehicles turned in for cash had to be destroyed.

The Ramifications

The ramifications of the bill continue to be felt today for people who need Recycled Auto Parts in Pasadena TX for vehicles built before the program went into effect. Many models of cars and pickup trucks built in the 1990s and afterward were substantially more durable and reliable than previous products. It’s common for owners to continue driving these vehicles for 10 or more years, with odometers reaching 200,000 and beyond.

Someone who wants used parts for a car manufactured in 1998 or 1999, for example, needs assistance from customer service representatives who do a thorough search for the items needed. If none are in stock or available locally, they usually can order the specific components through an online service and have the products in for pickup relatively quickly.

Unintended Consequences

The notion of unintended consequences is connected with an action that is meant to have positive effects but also creates some unforeseen negative ones. The plunge in available used vehicles for purchase has been a major problem for lower-income individuals. A car they might have bought for $1,000 in 2008 now could easily go for three times that amount.

Instead of buying a different vehicle, they may decide to invest more money into their old one, even if it has developed rather serious problems. They may need used components to make this decision affordable.

For instance, the old engine may have blown a cylinder, piston or gasket. Having a brand new engine installed would cost more than buying another used car in good working order. A shop such as Apache Auto Parts can track down a used engine from a salvage vehicle and have it delivered for the customer, who then can pay a mechanic to install that motor.

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