Can I Get Collision Repairs Covered In Lakeview If I Hit My Own Vehicle?

by | Sep 14, 2020 | Auto Repair

Accidents are part of life, and sometimes, they’re as simple as bumping into a neighbor’s car on the way to work. Whether or not both vehicles have been damaged, it’s important to file a claim with your insurance company. Regardless of how much of the damage is covered, your insurance agent will give you options and help you determine the right course of action when working with an collision repair in Lakeview.

Can I File an Insurance Claim if I Damage My Own Vehicle?

The simplest answer is yes. However, it may depend on your situation and your insurance coverage. If your vehicle is damaged, a collision policy would cover the loss. If you have comprehensive coverage, you won’t be covered, as these policies only cover losses not related to collisions. The success of your claim would depend partly on whether you have no-fault insurance, which means that your policy will cover the cost regardless of who caused the accident.

What Would Happen If I Hit My Own Vehicle On My Property?

Though these situations can quickly become complicated, you still may be covered. With a collision policy, both cars are covered, but you might have to pay separate deductibles. Thankfully, you’ll likely pay only one surcharge, because only one vehicle caused the accident.

Does Insurance Help If You’ve Hit Your Own Vehicle?

The extent of coverage depends on the nature of your policy. Collision insurance will cover the damages to both vehicles, while comprehensive insurance won’t cover either. If one vehicle is damaged, collision coverage will help, but the claim will probably lead to a higher premium the next time you renew.

Call Today

Calling your insurance company and collision repair in Lakeview can be embarrassing, especially if you’ve damaged your own vehicle. However, it’s important to get the repairs and the insurance paperwork started as soon as possible. Contact Bucaro Brothers Auto Care to schedule service.

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